At a neighborhood school like E.K. Powe, every family and every child helps to provide a warm, encouraging and comprehensive educational environment, but one family in particular has truly dedicated themselves to this cause. This story is about the extraordinary Hartman family. Mr. and Mrs. Hartman have two children at E.K. Powe Elementary School and since they moved to Durham, N.C a couple years ago, they have been active and committed members of both the Durham and E.K. Powe community. Due to the congenital disorder of their oldest son, they were able to understand the broad range of support each student needs in order to have a good education. The Hartmans are every-day superheroes; inspiring families throughout their community to reach out, lean in, and always be themselves.
Through my experience following the Hartman family, I have learned the true concept of a team. E.K. Powe is a school where teachers, students and families work together for a common goal. E.K. Powe is a 101-year-old school that has seen many triumphs and tribulations but through the steadfast love for the students and neighborhood this team has never wavered.